The AccessControl class provides a comprehensive system for managing user permissions and quotas. It leverages caching mechanisms to optimize performance by reducing the frequency of HTTP requests for data retrieval.

Public Methods

listPermissions(options?: { noCache?: boolean }): Promise<Permission[]>


  • options: object (optional) - Configuration options for the request.
  • noCache: boolean (optional) - If set to true, bypasses the cache and fetches permissions directly from the server.

Returns: Promise<Permission[]> - A promise that resolves to an array of permissions.

Description: Retrieves the list of permissions for the logged-in user. It first checks the cache; if not found or if noCache is true, it fetches from the server.

listQuotas(options?: { noCache?: boolean }): Promise<Quota[]>


  • options: object (optional) - Configuration options for the request.
  • noCache: boolean (optional) - If set to true, bypasses the cache and fetches quotas directly from the server.

Returns: Promise<Quota[]> - A promise that resolves to an array of quota usages.

Description: Retrieves the list of quotas for the logged-in user in a similar fashion to listPermissions, utilizing caching and direct server fetch logic based on the provided options.

hasPermission(permissionNames: string[] | string): Promise<boolean>


  • permissionNames: string[] | string - The names of the permissions to check. Can be a single name or an array of names.

Returns: Promise<boolean> - A promise that resolves to true if all specified permissions are granted to the user, false otherwise.

Description: Checks if the logged-in user possesses all specified permissions. It handles both single permission checks and arrays of permissions.

hasRemainingQuota(quotaNames: string | string[]): Promise<boolean>


  • quotaNames: string[] | string - The names of the quotas to check. Can be a single name or an array of names.

Returns: Promise<boolean> - A promise that resolves to true if the user has unused quotas for all specified items, false otherwise.

Description: Evaluates if the user has remaining quota for specified items.